We want to take a moment to thank all of our customers and referrals that we have received in 2019. We genuinely appreciate you putting your faith and trust in us to help solve your problems. We look forward to continued growth and excellence in serving the City of Phoenix and the East Valley.
2019 was our first year in business. We learned a tremendous amount and made strides that we didn’t think were possible. We were fortunate to have made some connections that any entrepreneur would find incredibly valuable, in regards to coaching and mentoring for us. We send out a sincere thank you to all those friends, referrals, mentors and customers that helped make our first year in business a highly successful beginning.
New challenges and milestones appear daily but that’s what makes this journey so exciting. We have made many lifelong contacts and friends while on our first year of this journey. We look forward to what the future holds and the exciting growth planned for our company.
Code 3 Junk Removal looks forward to assisting you with various challenges in the upcoming year. If we can be of service or if you even just have a question feel free to give us a call or text to get connected with Code 3!